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The 10th International Conference of Eastern Philosophy at Unicamp

Chinese Philosophy in the 21st Century


October 8, 9 and 10, 2024

In-Person Event with Simultaneous Translation and Online Transmission



The 10th International Colloquium on Oriental Philosophy at Unicamp is entitled “Chinese Philosophy in the 21st Century” and it is a part of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Brazil and China.
In general, Chinese philosophy in the 20th century was guided by a great concern with assimilating elements of modern and contemporary Western philosophy, without, however, clearly expressing its philosophical origins, without clearly expressing its visceral links with Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism. The main Chinese philosophers of the 20th century were systematically classified based on their Western “influences” and thus, recurrently, called “Kantians”, “Hegelians”, “Wittgensteinians”, “Marxists”, etc., in other words, they began to be named based on their Western dialogues.
On the other hand, the main exponents of 21st century Chinese philosophy, such as Zhao Tingyang, Robin Wang, and Yuk Hui, adopt different positions: they start from the conceptual references of classical Chinese philosophy to engage in dialogue with the crucial issues of modernity. Without disregarding Western philosophy, they point out original possibilities for thinking about politics, ethics, science and technology, logic, and identity issues based on their own historical/philosophical references.
This movement that occurs in 21st century Chinese philosophy presents some unmistakable similarities with what occurred in 20th century Japanese philosophy, starting with the emergence of the Kyoto School, which is the dialogue with Western modernity based on its own references and, in doing so, it presents us with other possibilities for understanding subjectivity, the other, the world, democracy, and politics.

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Tuesday, 10/08/2024

09:00 – Opening

09:30 – Conference 1

About the book “All Under Heaven: The Tianxia System for a Possible World Order

Zhao Tingyang (CASS - China) 
Robin Wang (Loyola Marymount University - USA)
Shuchen Xiang (Xidian University - China)
Antonio Florentino Neto (Unicamp - Brazil)

11:00 – Conference 2

New Confucianism in the 21st Century: Diverse Origins, Many Meanings

André Bueno (UERJ – Brazil)

12:00 - Lunch

14:00 – 1st Round Table

China and India Civilizational Encounters

Dilip Loundo (UFJF - Brazil)
Giuseppe Ferraro (UFMG - Brazil)
Joquim Monteiro (Brazil)
Lucas Machado (UFRJ-Brazil)

16:00 – Coffee break

16:30 – 2nd Round Table

Chinese philosophy under debate

Leif Grünewald (UEPA - Brazil)
Francisco José da Silva (UFCA- Brazil)
Evandro Vieira Ouriques (UFRJ - Brazil)
Moderator: Plínio Tsai (UMESP – Brazil)

18:30 - End of the 1st day

Quarta-feira, 09/10/2024

09:00 – Conference 3

Comparative Philosophy: Methods and Approaches

Ellen Zhang (Univ. of Macau)

10:00 - Conference 4

“Chinese Philosophy” as Practice and Discourse: First Impressions on Feng Youlan’s Intellectual Trajectory

Giorgio Sinedino (Univ. of Macau)

11:00 - Coffee break

Tianxia and Cosmopolitanism in China, Quotas and Encontro de Saberes in Brazil: Two Civilizational Proposals for Coexistence

José Jorge de Carvalho (UnB - Brazil)

11:30 - Conference 5

12:30 - Lunch

14:00 - 1st Communications Table

Poetry, cinema and tai chi chuan

Patricia Guernelli Palazzo Tsai (UMESP - Brazil)
Marcus Pereira Novaes (Unicamp - Brazil)
Tiago Oviedo Frosi (Unicamp - Brazil)
Moderator: Alina Miranda (UFJF – Brazil)

16:00 - Coffee break

16:30 - Conference 6: 

The promise of confucianism:
what to expect from kongzi’s teachings in the Lunyu

Dimitra Amarantidou (Univ. of Macau)

17:30 - Conference 7

Xinsphere: A Potential Planetary Thinking Paradigm for 21 Century

Robin Wang (Univ. Loyola Marymount - EUA)

18:30 - End of 2nd day

Quinta-feira, 10/10/2024

09:30 - Conference 8

Heidegger’s Critique of Kant’s Conception of Imagination and a Chinese Philosophy of “Xiang” (象)

Qingjie James Wang (Univ. of Macau)

10:30 - 2nd Communications Table

Dialogues with Yuk Hui and Chinese Philosophy

Rafael Lima (Unicamp- Brazil)
Tauan de Almeida Sousa (Unicamp - Brazil) 
Ricardo A. M. Mazzeo (Unicamp - Brazil)
Eduardo Vichi Antunes (Unicamp - Brazil)
Moderator: Daniel Omar Perez (Unicamp - Brazil)

12:00 - Lunch

14:00 - Conference 9

A decolonial reading of Zhuangzi

Manuel Rivera Espinoza (Catholic University of Chile)

15:00 - Conference 10

Tianxia and its decolonial counterparts: the deepening and coexistence of all particulars

Shuchen Xiang (Xidian University - China)

16:00 - Book launches

16:30 - Closing of the colloquium

18:00 - Social gathering


Confirmed lecturers

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Robin Wang (USA/China)


Andre Bueno (Brazil)


Zhao Tingyang (China)


Shuchen Xiang (China)


Manuel Rivera Espinoza (Chile)


Ellen Y. Zhang (Macau)

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José Jorge de Carvalho (Brazil)


Dimitra Amarantidou (Macau)

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Giorgio Sinedino


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Qingjie James Wang  (Macau)

Round Tables

Round table 01: India, China and Modernity

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Dilip Loundo (Brazil)


Giuseppe Ferraro (Brazil)


Joaquim Monteiro (Brazil)


Lucas Nascimento Machado (Brazil)


Round table 02: Chinese philosophy under debate


Lief Grünewald (Brazil)

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 Evandro Vieira Ouriques (Brazil)


Francisco José da Silva (Brazil)


Plínio Tsai (Brazil)



Panel 01: Dialogues with Yuk Hui and Chinese philosophy

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Antonio Florentino Neto (Brazil)



Rafael Lima (Brazil)



Mazzeo (Brazil)


Eduardo Vichi

Antunes (Brazil)

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Tauan de Almeida Sousa


Panel 02: Poetry, cinema and tai chi chuan


Alina Miranda



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Marcus Pereira Novaes


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 Patricia Guernelli Palazzo Tsai


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Tiago Oviedo Frosi



Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences - IFCH - UNICAMP

Brazil-China Study Group - DERI - UNICAMP

Center for Logic, Epistemology and History of Science - CLE - UNICAMP

Institute of Economics - IE - UNICAMP


Antonio Florentino Neto, Itala Maria Loffredo D'Ottaviano, Daniel Omar Perez and Fábio Maia Bertato

Organizing committee:

Antonio Florentino Neto; Kelly Ferreira; Plínio Tsai; Tauan Souza; Rafael Lima; Ricardo Mazzeo; Fábio Maia Bertato

Cópia de InstitutoCPFL 2020 (POSITIVA)_e

©2024 por X Colóquio de Filosofia Oriental da Unicamp

Grupo de Estudos Brasil-China

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